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В ближайшее время с вами свяжется менеджер для уточнения деталей
WeledaДетский зубной гель Weleda 50 мл
The Weleda children's tooth gel is specially tailored to the health-maintaining care of milk teeth and the harmonization of the child's oral flora. Composition Glycerine, water, silica, alginate, extract of marigold blossoms, almond oil, esculin, mixture of natural essential oils. Properties Natural caries prophylaxis for milk teeth. Fluoride-free, vegan.0 99RUB9RUB

Детский зубной гель Weleda 50 мл в Костроме
The Weleda children's tooth gel is specially tailored to the health-maintaining care of milk teeth and the harmonization of the child's oral flora. Composition Glycerine, water, silica, alginate, extract of marigold blossoms, almond oil, esculin, mixture of natural essential oils. Properties Natural caries prophylaxis for milk teeth. Fluoride-free, vegan.
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